Depositphotos - for buyers

  • Payment plans: Designers buy credits or credit packages and use these credits for the purchase of photos and illustrations. Similarly to other sites, designers can choose between occasional downloads ("Pay-by-Credits" or "Pay-by-Phone - SMS Images") and regular needs ("Subscriptions"). If he/she needs photos on a regular basis, subscription plan i the right choice. Depositphotos is one of very few agencies offering payments by SMS. There is 72 hours for completion of the transaction (download). Products can be downloaded repeatedly without any additional fee within the time period mentioned above.
  • Subscriptions: Depositphotos offers subscription plans for 3, 7 and 15 days and for 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. Each of these plans has its pre-defined number of downloads per day - from 10 photos in case of a 3-days subscription plan to 40 photos in case of a 12-months subscription plan. Only the 1-month plan offers three options: 5, 10 or 25 downloads per day. In order to purchase an image with an Extended License you need to buy credits in addition to the subscription.
  • Single downloads: Single downloads paid by credits are less attractive for designers, because subscriptions can be arranged for a few days only and prices are much better. Credits-based plans are suitable only for designers who intend to buy only few products, download photos or illustrations occasionally or want to buy Extended Licenses. Credits cost 1 USD each and prices vary in relation to resolution required. Credits are good for one year.
  • SMS: SMS payments are useful primarily for designers that do not have business credit card or do not want to use it for internet payments. When purchasing photos using SMS, designers buy downloads instead of credits and have a choice of image sizes (from XS to XXL) depending upon the size of the original photograph. Depositphotos offers 4 types of SMS messages: for the purchase of 1, 4, 7 or 15 products. Though it is possible to use SMS for the purchase of both photos and vectors, it is not possible to buy all products using this payment method (no specification provided). SMS payments are worth consideration primarily in case of purchase of a small number of more expensive products (photos in higher resolution and vectors).
  • Free Trial: Depositphotos offers a 7-days trial period - designers can download 5 products per day for free. Though upon completion of the free trial you will be automatically subscribed into standard subscription plan, you may cancel free trial before it expires (at least 24 hours before the end) and the automatic subscription will be waived.
  • Prices: All prices are shown in credits. Prices are relatively low (overview of prices), because Depositphotos is a young agency intending to attract also designers that are already clients of its well-established competitors. Price of photos starts at 1 credit (XS resolution), photos in highest resolution (XXXL) and all vectors cost 9 credits. Products purchased within a subscription plan are much cheaper: price per download starts at 0.10 USD (12-months subscription plan, 40 downloads per day) and ends at 0.63 USD (3-days subscription plan, 10 downloads per day). If you want to pay by SMS, download of a photo costs from 0.67 USD (purchase of 15 photos) to 1.00 USD (purchase of just 1 download). Extended Licenses cost 20-60 USD, in relation to their type.
  • Licenses: Depositphotos offers 5 basic categories of licenses, separately for photos and vectors (10 categories in total). For more information follow these links to see full wording of standard licenses and extended licenses. Detailed comparison of their conditions is also available on Depositphotos web page.
  • Update: It is unavoidable to make, from time to time, changes in subscription plans or prices and information provided on this web site might become outdated or inaccurate. Therefore, we recommend to check current price of credits, conditions of subscription plans and detailed pricelist of all products that are summarized on one page. Of course, I will be pleased if you enter Depositphotos through links on this web site before registration.

Note: all data as of 1 October 2011.

Depositphotos - for contributors

  • Entry Application: Depositphotos does not require any entry application, photos are reviewed when uploaded. Also, there is no entry test. Depositphotos is a young agency and its priority is to build large database, not to discourage contributors. There is an individualized Special Program for authors with large portfolios (assistance with upload of larger number of images, higher positions in search results, possible participation in the Photographer Promotion Program, etc.).
  • Exclusivity: Though full exclusivity can be arranged with Depositphotos, it is not an attractive option and is rarely used. SS has higher revenue potential and iStock has, despite of recent changes in royalties, more attractive program for exclusive contributors. Also, difference between royalties of exclusive an non-exclusive contributors is not so large (when compared to other agencies). Partial exclusivity for single products that does not restrict contributors from selling other products with different agencies is not available.
  • Supported Products: Depositphotos distributes photos, illustrations and vectors. Selling videos is not supported.
  • Editorial: No, Depositphotos does not support sale of products with editorial license, you always need to have "model release" or "property release" when required.
  • Royalties: There are 5 categories of contributors, depending on the number of images sold. Basic level is "green" consisting of authors with total number of images sold below 500, top category is "platinum" consisting of authors with total number of images sold over 150,000. Non-exclusive contributors are paid based on their category. Royalties range from 44% of the sale price ("green") to 52% of the sale price ("platinum") when products are paid by credits, 0.31-0.40 USD per download for subscription purchases, and 0.27-0.31 USD when products are paid by SMS. More information is shown in detailed overview of royalties.
  • Payout: Minimal payout is 50 USD.
  • Payout Methods: PayPal, MoneyBookers and WebMoney.
  • Photos: Minimal acceptable resolution of photos is 3.8 MP (2400x1600 p.), not 3,4 MP as indicated in FAQ. Highest size of photos is 50 MB. Original resolution is required.
  • Vectors: ZIP archive consisting of vector (either AI or EPS file) and its JPG preview is required. No size limit is specified for vectors.
  • Vector Preview: Vector preview should have at least 3.8 MP (2400x1600 p.).
  • Keywords: Upper limit for keywords is 50.
  • Database: By the end of September 2011 Depositphotos had 4.3 photos and illustrations in its database. Total number of contributors amounted to 210,000 authors as of the same date.
  • Forms Of Upload: Depositphotos offers upload via HTTP or FTP.
  • Referral Program: The Affiliate Program allows members to earn rewards and commissions by promoting Depositphotos to both buyers and contributors. Members earn 0.03 USD for each sale referred photographer made through a subscription, 15% commission for every Pay-by-Credit purchase referral makes, 4%-10% of the amount of subscription plan purchased and 0.05-0.20 USD for each SMS package referral purchases.
  • Upload Limit: There is no upper limit for number of photos/vectors that can be uploaded within a specific time period.
  • Currency: All information are shown in USD and all payments should be made in the same currency.
  • Seat: Depositphotos has its seat in Florida, United States of America.

Note: all data as of 1 October 2011.

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