iStockphoto - for buyers:

  • Payment plans: Designers are buying credits that are used to download photos and other products. In case of occasional purchases, Pay-as-you-go credits with one-year validity are the right choice. If designer requires regular flow of products, buys one of Subscription Plans. These plans are for various periods and there are pre-defined choices - number of credits - in each plan. Detailed comparison of Pay-as-you-go and Subscription plans is available on iStockphoto web page.
  • Subscriptions: After selection of length of the subscription period designers choose number of credits that they want to spend during the subscription period. There is a maximum limit of credits that can be spend within one day and validity of credits ends at midnight. Subscription plans are suitable primarily for designers who need to download photos and/or illustrations every day (or very often). Price ranges from 0.24 USD per credit (1-year subscription plan, 480 credits per day) to 0.39 USD per credit (6-months subscription plan, 10 credits per day).
  • Pay-as-you-go: Pay-as-you-go credits are valid one year since the purchase date and it is up to designer when he/she wants to utilized it. Price per credit starts at 0.95 USD (purchase of 2,000 credits) and rises to 1.52 USD (purchase of just 12 credits).
  • Prices: iStockphoto does not have same prices for exclusive and non-exclusive authors. Therefore, price of each product is affected also by status of contributors. Prices of photos and vectors in standard collection (from non-exclusive authors) start at 1 credit (small resolution or simple vector respectively) and end at 25 credits (XXXL size, complex vectors). Prices of photos from exclusive authors range from 2 to 30 credits, prices of vectors range from 2 to 20 credits. It should be noted that all figures mentioned above relate to standard licenses only.
  • Standard vs. extended licenses: iStockphoto has on its webpage detailed comparison of standard and extended licenses. Also, it is possible to go through full text of standard license or extended license.
  • Updates: It is unavoidable to make, from time to time, changes in subscription plans or prices and information provided on this web site might become outdated or inaccurate. Therefore, we recommend to check current subscription plans and prices of iStockphoto. Of course, I will be pleased if you enter iStockphoto through link on this web site before registration.

Note: all data as of 1 April 2011.

iStockphoto - for contributors:

  • Entry Application: iStock requires to review and approve 3 sample products, for each category (photos, vectors, etc.) separately. For example, photographer with three approved photos is not eligible to submit vectors, and vice versa. There is an obligatory gap between attempts and this gap rises with number of unsuccessful attempts (can reach 1 year). Approved products are viewed as approved in each consecutive attempt. Direct link to Sign-Up Page.
  • Exclusivity: iStock has popular program for contributors that are exclusive with this microstock agency and its database of exclusive authors/products is wide.
  • Supported Products: iStock distributes photos, illustrations, vectors, flash, audio, video and - as a special sub-segment - sells company logos. This list represents widest offer among top microstock agencies.
  • Editorial: In early 2011 iStock started to sell products with editorial license.
  • Royalties: Structure of royalties used to be one of methods how to support exclusive authors. However, changes made at the end of 2010 upset many contributors, including exclusive ones. Now iStock pays a base royalty rate of 15% (originally 20%) for each file download and up to 45% for exclusive contributors. Non-exclusive contributors receive only 15%-20%, but there is a very long way to 20%. Exclusive contributors receive 22% to 45%. Sale price is set by iStock in credits and is driven - in addition to size and resolution - also by complexity of products (vectors). Net value of credits used for purchase is another factor driving sale price upwards or downwards. For more information see Royalty Schedule.
  • Payout: Minimal payout level is 100 USD.
  • Payout Methods: PayPal, MoneyBookers or paper checks. Payout is always in USD. Prepaid iStock MasterCard card from Payoneer and direct transfer to author´s account (for authors having this account in the US with Payoneer) are two additional options.
  • Photos: iStock accepts RGB JPG files only. TIFs, PNGs and PSDs will be declined. CMYK images will also be declined. iStock accepts files 1600 x 1200 pixels or larger. Any file smaller than 1600 x 1200 pixels will be declined. Upper limit is not specified. Also, size in megabytes is not limited too. Requirements for JPG illustrations are same as in case of photos: at least 1600 x 1200 pixels. Alternative formats can be uploaded as a separate zipped file.
  • Vectors: There is no limit set for the size of vectors, compatibility with AI8 is required.
  • Vector Preview: The vector preview should have at least 1200 x 1600 pixels, higher resolutions (larger than 1900 x 2800) are recommended.
  • Keywords: Upper limit for number of keywords is 50, minimal number is 10. iStock has its own keywording system and authors pick keywords from predefined database. This database includes also some common expressions (categories) that would not be accepted by other agencies as too general.
  • Database: iStock database exceeded 7 million products mark in July 2010 and the company had more than 80 th. contributors. It is relatively low figure compared to other agencies, but it needs to be taken into account that iStock has very strict acceptance criteria and quality of its database is high (partially due to wide number of exclusive authors).
  • Forms Of Upload: HTTP is a basis, advanced users can use special program DeepMeta that is more efficient primarily in case of mass uploads.
  • Referral Program: Referral program is focused solely on new buyers and is, therefore, less attractive than referral programs of other microstock agencies.
  • Upload Limit: iStock has limit for number of products that can be submitted within a certain time frame. Time frame and limit vary for exclusive and non-exclusive authors.
  • Currency: US dollar is basic currency for iStock and payout in different currency is not possible.
  • Seat: Alberta, Canada.

Note: all data as of 1 April 2011.

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